Package de.cesr.sesamgim.init.agent

Interface Summary
GimAgentInitialiser<AgentT extends GimMilieuAgent<AgentT>>  
GimAgentInitialiseService<AgentT extends GimMilieuAgent<?>> Interface for user models to provide an opportunity to initialise the agent instances.
GimAgentPlacingInitialiser<AgentT extends GimMilieuAgent<AgentT>> SesamGIM - Geographical Initialisation for Milieu Agents
GimGroupAgent<AgentType extends GimMilieuAgent<AgentType>> SesamGIM - Geographical Initialisation for Milieu Agents Implementation Note: AgentType may not extend GimMilieuAgent

Class Summary
GAreaAgentInitialiser<AgentType extends GimMilieuAgent<AgentType>> Initializes the agents of an entire area at once
GDbAgentInitialiser<AgentT extends GimMilieuAgent<AgentT>> Reads agent IDs and positions from Database and initialises agents using a GimAgentInitialiseService: If the given context contains GMarketCellContexts and the geography contains polygones for these market cells, agents are assigned to market cells based on their geographical position.
GFileAgentInitialiser<AgentT extends GimMilieuAgent<AgentT>> Reads agent positions and milieu id from a CSV file and initialises agents using a GimAgentInitialiseService: If the given context contains GMarketCellContexts and the geography contains polygones for these market cells, agents are assigned to market cells based on their geographical position.
GGroupAreaAgentInitialiser<AgentType extends GimGroupAgent<AgentType>> SesamGIM - Geographical Initialisation for Milieu Agents For Models that use GimGroupContexts.
GPlzAreaAgentInitialiser<AgentType extends GimMilieuAgent<AgentType>> SesamGIM - Geographical Initialisation for Milieu Agents
GPlzWiseAreaAgentInitialiser<AgentType extends GimMilieuAgent<AgentType>> SesamGIM - Geographical Initialisation for Milieu Agents
GSimpleAgentInitialiser SesamGIM - Geographical Initialisation for Milieu Agents TODO adapt The SimpleAgentInitializer creates NUM_NEIGHBOURHOODS (default: 10) neighbourhoods a SIZE_NEIGHBOURHOODS (default: 20) agents in each area (in case of 10 overall neighbourhoods, MilieuPa.AREAS_SHAPEFILE should be set to "data/singleSB/singleSB.shp".